Panda/Penguin Checklist (Fix Your Google Rankings)

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If you have gotten slapped by Panda or Penguin, this video is going to be HUGE for you.
Trust me I know what its like to get hit hard, and spend a TON of time researching and finding out what you need to do to recover. Only for it not to work!
In this short video I want to talk to you about a few things that you can do to recover from Panda or Penguin.

1. Add a site map if you don’t have one – if you use WordPress I recommend YOAST
2. Fix Any Broken Links That Are Reported In Google Webmaster Tools
3. Get rid of all Duplicate Content ON Your Site
4. Get rid of any duplicate page titles and meta descriptions
5. Improve Your Load Time – use the PageSpeed Insights tool from Google
6. Create Google Plus profile & authorship
7. Check your linking structure, and make sure you don’t have any abandoned pages. (pages that don’t have links to them)