The New Google Planner – What You Need To Know

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If you’ve tried to use the google keyword tool lately, or today you will be redirected and google will tell you that they replaced the Keyword Tool with Keyword Planner.

In this video I want to share with you what you need to know about the keyword planner.

1. You have to login to a google account to access the Keyword Planner. So its no longer a public tool.
2. You can no longer segment traffic by device… desktop, tablet and mobile. All the data is accumulative. Because of this you will often find that the results are higher than the old keyword tool
3. There is no longer search volume estimates by match type. All there is is exact match… So no more broad and phrase match.
4. Google added a features to see seasonal trends, just by clicking on the graph icon to the right of the keyword.
5. One of my favorite additions is the ability to filter to the city level for the keywords your targeting… this is a BIG deal for Local Search.

Overall theres really no BIG plusses for this change… Google made doing keyword research easier for adwords, and harder for search engine optimization once again.